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Updating Your Name
You must file a petition with the court to change your name. As of November 15th, 2024 the cost to submit this petition is $333. The form you need to fill out is called CVNCA1Z, links will be provided at the end of this page.
Current legislation is located here: ARS§ 36-337
This legislation was found to be unconstitutional in August of 2023. Citation
Currently, legislation has been submitted to change the language including SB1425, but this has been stuck in committee all year.
If you were born in Arizona:
Review CVAB1Z (mirror)
If you were born outside of Arizona:
Go back to State Documents and chose the state you were born in.
The AZ MVD does not provide forms online. They recommend making an appointment or walking in to request updating your ID.
Arizona MVD Policy 3.1.1 (mirror) (See Page 5, Section Q:)