====== Arizona ====== === Updating Your Name === You must file a petition with the court to change your name. As of November 15th, 2024 the cost to submit this petition is $333.\\ The form you need is [[https://superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/media/gowfskuf/cvnca1z.pdf|CVNCA1Z]] {{ ::cvnca1z.pdf |(mirror)}}. === Amending Your Birth Certificate === Current legislation is located here: [[https://www.azleg.gov/ars/36/00337.htm|ARSĀ§ 36-337]]\\ This legislation was found to be unconstitutional in August of 2023. [[https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2024/08/23/judge-arizona-cant-refuse-change-birth-records-transgender-people/74911274007/|Citation]]\\ Currently, legislation has been submitted to change the language including [[https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/80946|SB1425]], but this has been stuck in committee all year.\\ If you were born in Arizona:\\ Amend/Correct Birth Certificate [[https://superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/media/vm2h1ygn/cvab1z.pdf|CVAB1Z]] {{ :wiki:cvab1z.pdf |(mirror)}}\\ [[https://www.azdhs.gov/policy-intergovernmental-affairs/vital-records/index.php#corrections-amendments-other|AZDHS Vital Records Corrections & Amendments]] If you were born outside of Arizona:\\ Go back to [[State Documents]] and chose the state you were born in. === Drivers License & Identification === The AZ MVD does not provide forms online. They recommend making an appointment or walking in to request updating your ID.\\ [[https://servicearizona.com/|ServiceNow]]\\ [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GNu94kKTw1AV2m0WeufPhZC1BsPA56TN/view|Arizona MVD Policy 3.1.1]] {{ :wiki:az_mvd_policy_311.pdf |(mirror)}} (See Page 5, Section Q:) \\ {{:wiki:mvd_policy311_p5_sq.png?400|}}